Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26, 2012

1. Judy and I have been checking up on our wills. I first got the idea when I changed my life insurance policy a couple of months ago.
            Then I began really thinking about it as I prepared to go on Wilderness Trek with my middle daughter, Abby, and her high school youth group. You never know when something might go wrong.
            (I’ve told some of the kids that if I die of a heart attack on the mountain, build a big bier of wood, put my body on top of it, and set the wood on fire–just like the Vikings used to do to honor their heroes. I don’t know if the kids would go for that, but it gives me great pleasure to think about the honor.)
            At any rate, our wills are in good shape. Are yours?
2. Bizarre story from SI’s Peter King: “Did you hear the one about the man in South Dakota who murdered a high-school classmate 55 years after the classmate pulled a jockstrap over his head as a practical joke? Carl Ericsson, of Watertown, S.D., walked to the front door of his ex-classmate, Norman Johnson, and shot him twice. According to the Associated Press, last month Ericsson told the judge in the case that he guesses he shot his former classmate ‘because of something that happened over 50 years ago. It was apparently in my subconscious.’”
            I think vengeance is best left to the Lord.
3. Could not resist checking out the other day the new book REAGAN AND THATCHER The Difficult Relationship by Richard Aldous. Like many friendships, this one was much more complicated and complex than appeared on the surface. Many times they frustrated each other and they experienced much conflict through the years. I’m still working on the book, but it is very engrossing so far.
4. Call me old fashioned, but I get a kick out of occasionally watching clips from the old Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts on YOUTUBE.
5. Okay, so I was wrong to pick Miami over Oklahoma City in six games. They won in five. Maybe this will get championships out of their system.

*Thanks to Peter King for the inspiration for this blog's title.

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