Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 19, 2013

1. NBA All-Star Game? I haven’t watched one since high school. I think it is as big a joke as the NFL Pro Bowl.
2. I have been using Office Depot for my printing needs and am very pleased. They do design, but I have chosen to devise my stuff myself.  Having said that, I let them help me with formatting. I also like their quality and their prices.
3. I recommend the movie RUNNING BRAVE to you. It is based on a true story about the great Olympic champion, Billy Mills. Mills was a native American who grew up on a reservation. He was orphaned at twelve. He has lived a very successful life and helped many people. You can find it on Netflix.
4. Tremendous quote from a corporate worker, found in the book A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America by Ian Mitroff and Elizabeth Denton (two business professors), “Organizations feel free to beat up on us 40 to 60 hours a week. Then they put the burden entirely on us to repair ourselves on our own time so we can come back for more!” That is one reason I have started a chaplaincy service to employees.
5. My junior year at ACU, I served in the student senate along with our class president, Jeff Boyd. A few years later, I helped lead a mission trip to Cordoba, Argentina that included Jeff’s future wife, Jackie Tubbs. Even though it has been years since I have seen or talked to either one of them, I think it is cool Jeff has begun serving on the Texas Supreme Court.

*Thanks to Peter King for the inspiration for this title.

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