Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15, 2013

1. E-cigs, anyone? I read this week in Time that electronic cigarettes are projected to generate $1 billion in sales this year. Targeting smokers who desire to quit, an E-cig works by using a sensor, microprocessor, battery, LED, heater, and nicotine cartridge to "atomize the cartridge’s liquid and produce a nicotine vapor." Wow! That is a sci-fi concept that even The Jetsons missed. So effective is the product, more and more smokers are dropping cigarettes and smoking E-cigs–without any intention to stop. Some marketers are forecasting a commercial success similar to the energy drink explosion. Still, I’ll pass on investing.
2. If you like business, can I recommend a book to you? I am not a Ted Turner fan, and I never have been. However, I found an unabridged audio version of his autobiography Call My Ted
and loved it! It’s the story of his risk taking, adventurous, and visionary life. (Historian Harold 
Evans called Turner one of the most important innovators in American history.) What 
fascinated me was the fact that Turner spent the first 20 years of his adult life borrowing 
money for his new business endeavors. Every time his ideas came close to paying off, 
he would have a new vision, borrow more money, a place himself on the precipice of disaster. Finally, in the 90s when CNN and his other networks became financial and critical successes, 
he began to slow down. A few years later, he found deep disappointment in his merger with 
Time Warner and AOL. Turner reads the book himself, which lends itself to humor and 
authenticity. He also has associates, friends, and even enemies share stories along the way. 
Find yourself a copy of this book, and listen or read it.
4. I was also saddened to read that ESPN veteran Stuart Scott’s cancer has returned. My prayers have gone out for him.
5. RG3, Russell Wilson, and Colin Kaepernick are living the life Tim Tebow dreamed of. Unfortunately for Tim, they all throw better than he does. I hope he takes solace knowing he helped pave the way for their success. We are seeing what experts said would never happen—pro offenses in the NFL dominated by running quarterbacks who can throw well. A new era in pro football has arrived.
*Thanks to Peter King for the inspiration for this title.

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